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  • Highest rated officials

    09:20 30 Oct 2014

    The year is coming to its end, and Slaq.am will try to sum it up through surveys, analyses and discussions, introducing the most successful and failed politicians, the most successful and failed processes and phenomena. Today we want to introduce the highest rated officials. We conduct surveys in different regions, talk to analysts and political commentators, as well as other professionals to find out answers for the questions we and the society are interested in.

    According to our analyses, the highest rated official of this year is President Serzh Sargsyan. This is explained by several factors. The sabotage acts along the Armenian - Azerbaijani and Karabakh – Azerbaijani border made the society gather around the President and once again it became clear that the society has confidence towards the President and connects the settlement of the security issues to him, and even those, who have disagreements with the President in social and political questions, gather around him in such cases.

    Besides, during his tête-à-tête meetings with Aliyev, the President has managed to suppress the Azerbaijani aggression and in fact, the border tensions decreased due to his behavior and position. On the other hand, the President delivered several strong speeches from different international platforms, which have a positive impact on his image. 

    Besides, the society likes his position in the Armenian-Turkish relations. Both Diaspora and the Armenian society liked the fact that the President called back the Armenian-Turkish protocols. All these factors have contributed to increasing the President’s rating. Thus, according to us, he is the highest rated official.

    His high rating keeps also Police Chief Vladimir Gasparyan, as he continues the reform process in the Police. According to a number of analysts, in recent years the society had more wait and see situations and many thought that Vladimir Gasparyan wouldn’t continue the reforms, but today there is a conviction, as he stands still with his ideas and continues making real changes in the Police system. 

    On the other hand, the rating of the Police Chief rises, when during the organization of opposition rallies the Police behave depoliticized, don’t prevent the organization of rallies. Even the opposition politicians speak about it. This is the first time that the Police don't interfere, don't close roads and don’t show aggression during the rallies. Vladimir Gasparyan made the rich and oligarchs understand that everyone is equal in front of the law. The analysts have opinions that he’ll continue his reforms.

    Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan is one of those officials who have a high rating. The Mayor has managed to create an interesting image. Regardless of the socio-political processes, the municipality carries out its functions. Any process taking place in the city is directly controlled by the Mayor, and he is the official, who gets in contact with the society the most. He always visits different administrative districts and gets information directly. The residents of Yerevan insist that Taron Margaryan isn’t a Mayor for only the city center. He is the Mayor of Yerevan.

    Taron Margaryan also manages not to bring the relations of the political forces to the Municipality.

    Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan also has a rather high rating. The society and different analytical groups consider him one of the highest rated officials. This is due to his decent and modest behavior. Seyran Ohanyan is an educated and intellectual person.

    In fact, the Defense Ministry is quite an open structure. The society is always aware of all the problems the Ministry faces. These problems are solved taking into account the opinion of the society. During the recent tension along the frontline there was a confidence towards the Defense Ministry.

    The rating of other officials is lower than that of these 4.


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