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  • Armenian, Azerbaijani Foreign ministers discussed 2016 proposals of the Russian side

    18:33 17 April 2019

    Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that Foreign Ministers Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and Elmar Mammadyarov  discussed proposals of Russian side made in 2016 at the meeting in Moscow   on March 16

    "In his interview Elmar Mahmediarov mentioned that proposals of 2016 have been  discussed.I have nothing to add."-said Lavrov

    He stated, that the details of proposals were secret.

     While talking about Nagorno Karabakh conflict Prime minister Nicol Pashinyan stated,

    "Of course, we want to add a new content to peace process and we have presented our proposals to the Azerbaijani side through mediators"

    The Armenian government though refuses to unveil the details of proposals made to Azerbaijan


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